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Quid interest inter dentifricium duris setas aut setas mollia?


Dentium setis distinguuntur, et sunt duo genera dentariorum, setae molles et setae durae. Setae molles setae sunt molles, graciles, densae, setae dentifricii sunt contrariae, setis durioribus. Relative tenuis est, sed etiam rarissima. Ergone mollia dentarii setae melius aut setae durae? Deinde introducam te;
1. Whether the toothbrush should use soft or hard bristles depends on the individual's teeth and gums, mainly gums. Some people's gums bleed easily. Don't use bristles. Because it is easy to make the gums bleed, although the toothbrush looks like it is brushing the teeth, gum health is the key to oral health, so the choice of soft or hard bristles varies from person to person. Toothbrush is better with soft bristles or hard bristles, but how to choose a toothpaste toothbrush? It is recommended that the bristles are too hard, which can easily lead to symptoms such as gum recession, wedge-shaped defects in the tooth neck, and bleeding gums; the bristles are too soft to clean the tooth surface.. So choose a toothbrush with moderate hardness.
Qui fumus vel ad calculos deponendos proni sunt, medium duram penicillatam deligant; senes vel aegroti cum morbo periodontali mollem dentariam eligere debent ad textus periodontalis tuendos; setae dentifricium liberorum molliores sunt quam adultorum et fere liberis tantum. Setae fasciculi extremitates rotundi et teretes esse debent, ut dentalem TABULAm efficaciter elidant et damnum gingivae texti evitent. Cum eligendo, duritiem setas sentire non potes tangendo plasticam sarcinam peniculi dentarii manibus tuis. Duritiam informationes videre potes observando setas: molle dentifricium horridum setis imparibus et duris setis dentifricii regularibus setis.

2. Estne necessarium dentifricium et toothbrushes infantibus emere? Hoc pendet in statu progressus infantis. Fere infantes supra 3 annos toothbrushes incipiunt uti, sed aetas coetus 0-6 annorum plerumque melius est ut setis mollibus. Quia gingivarum et gingivarum infantium hoc tempore non bene evolutae sunt, dura emptio proclivis est ad iniuriam et sanguinem.

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