Cautiones utendi
dentalis RIVUS
1. Choosing dental floss is a personal preference. In fact, any kind of dental floss can effectively remove dental plaque and tartar as long as it is used properly. The frequency of using
dentalis RIVUSsemel est dies, praesertim post cenam.
2. Be gentle when using dental floss. You can press into the bottom of the gingival sulcus to clean the gingival sulcus area, but you can't press it excessively to prevent bleeding, pain and other symptoms of the gums. When using dental floss, cut too hard to avoid damaging the gums. Different segments of
dentalis RIVUSin variis interdentalibus spatiis ingredi debent, et munda
dentalis RIVUSsemper adhiberi debet tabula adjacent ad removendum.
3. Homines, qui problemata tam magnos hiatus inter dentes, gingivas tumidos et dolentes habent, radicibus expositi uti non debent.
dentalis RIVUS. Si nimium magnum inter dentes rima est, lanuitudo dentalis penitus purgare non poterit; per dentalis RIVUS cum gingivis sunt
in gingivis tumida et dolorosa sanguinem inducere possunt: radices magnae et parvae sunt, et
dentalis floss cannot clean these parts thoroughly.